The 88th Academy Awards are at the end of this month, and if you’re a film buff like me, you probably have pretty strong opinions on the films up for nomination. Maybe you believe so-and-so actor or actress is more deserving, or perhaps you scoffed at the notion of a specific film being nominated in the first place. Your viewpoints may be insightful and valid, but the reality is they don’t mean diddly-squat to the Academy. The only voices that do matter are the voices of an exclusive and relatively homogeneous group of so-called film pundits. Feeling snubbed? I know I am, but let’s take solace in the fact that we’re part of a larger, more vibrant Beijing community, and here at the Beijinger your voice does matter! How so you ask? Simple, the 2016 Reader Restaurant Awards puts you (our readers) in charge of deciding which restaurants come out on top. And let’s be honest, you probably feel more akin to an awards competition featuring your favorite Beijing restaurants than one featuring 90 minutes of red carpet gaping.

What are the Reader Restaurant Awards?
The Reader Restaurant Awards are an annual awards ceremony that highlights the best dining options, across various food categories, in the city of Beijing. This year marks the 13th successive year that the Awards have been held, and it may just be one of the best nomination fields ever! The Awards rely on the community as a whole both expats and locals to decide on which restaurants and culinary personalities are the most deserving to win in their respective categories. After all, who better to decide than the actual customers that frequent Beijing’s restaurants and eateries.

How to vote?
Voting is simple and straightforward, simply click on this link or scan the QR code below. Note that you may only vote once, so make sure you cast your ballot without being improperly influenced by sudden hunger pangs or food cravings (personally, I’m still mulling over whether or not to vote on an empty stomach). The voting period is open from today until February 29. Importantly, we’ve taken measures to weed out duplicate voting and to verify the integrity of all genuine votes.

One marvelous aspect of our voting system is that you don’t actually have to fill out the entire ballot, and can instead complete as little or as much of it as you like  we have some 60 food categories, and it’s unlikely that you’ll have favorites in each one. Additionally, if you aren’t satisfied with the nominees provided, feel free to write in your own. If you’re looking for inspiration then take a look at last year’s winners.

As an added bonus, the first 50 individuals to cast valid ballots will receive a pair of tickets to the actual awards ceremony held on March 7 at the Nuo Hotel, which will be absolutely rammed with some of the finest food and drink vendors that this city has to offer.

We look forward to hearing from you about what you’ve been munching on over the past year and can’t wait to see some of you come March 7!

Images: the Beijinger